Developer Toolbox Alphabetic Listing of Inventor Files HUB | Pheedbak | Tree | Topic | Search | Hot | New ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document presents the Inventor Files on the Toolbox listed alphabetically. Last Updated: March 31, 1996 Currently, alphabetization is done in terms of the following types of files: * Audio Files * Document Titles * Image Files: RGB (SGI imagelib) | JPEG | GIF | TIFF * Inst Images * Inventor Files * Libraries/DSOs * Source (sorted by executable name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Inventor Files: * V2.0 Open Inventor .iv files: o download-able link for the documents/Inventor/www/VRML/ directory + AllRoom.iv + Room.iv + TrackLight.iv o download-able link for the src/demos/OpenGL/glutduck/ directory + duck.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/DirectManipRevoSurf/ directory + test.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/DirectManipTrackLight/ directory + AllRoom.iv + Chair.iv + Room.iv + TrackLight.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/OpenInventorLab/lab/ directory + Barcelona.iv + scene.iv + temple.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/OpenInventorLab/labSolutions/ directory + Barcelona.iv + scene.iv + temple.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/inventorTemplates/models/ directory + bishop.iv + chessboard.iv + chesschairs.iv + king.iv + knight.iv + pawn.iv + queen.iv + rook.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/models/ directory + coneManip.iv + cubeManip.iv + cylManip.iv + ellipsoid2Manip.iv + ellipsoidManip.iv + lightManip.iv + sphereManip.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/noodle/SampleNoodles/InventorMentor.Plate6.pieces/ directory + column.iv + cornerSteps3.iv + edgeSteps3.iv + squarePeakedTop.iv + towerTop2.iv + triangularPrism.iv + unitFancyObelisk.iv + unitObelisk.iv + unitPyramid.iv + urn1.iv + urn2.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/noodle/SampleNoodles/ directory + bowingMan.iv + cookie.iv + mobius.iv + pagoda.iv + tube.iv + twistedColumn.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/opengl/oat/iv/ directory + beethoven.iv + cone.iv + cow.iv + cylinder.iv + plane.iv + tri.iv + two.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/volumeRendering/vrp/geometry/ directory + flyer.iv + mauler.iv o download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/database/ directory + airRoll.iv + airplane.iv + cone.iv + flying.iv + shapes.iv + sphere.iv + tstrip.iv o download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/interaction/ directory + Barcelona.iv + scene.iv + shapes.iv + temple.iv o download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/text/ directory + parts3d.iv + simple2d.iv + simple3d.iv o download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/texture/ directory + brick_sphere.iv + brick_sphere2.iv + bricks.iv + globe.iv + shiny_shuttle.iv + shiny_text.iv + textured_teapot.iv * V1.0 IRIS Inventor .iv files: o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/DirectManipTrackLight/ directory + sphereMan.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/ivcalc/ directory + calc.iv + cbase.iv + cbutton.iv + sgigrow.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/noodle/ directory + Grid.iv + GridXY.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/inventor/sharedSV/ directory + apple.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/opengl/oat/iv/ directory + iv/jackInTheBox.iv + iv/sphere.iv o download-able link for the src/exampleCode/games/IndiZone/data/blix/obj/ directory + 0.iv + 1.iv + 10.iv + 100.iv + 15.iv + 2.iv + 25.iv + 250.iv + 3.iv + 4.iv + 5.iv + 50.iv + 6.iv + 7.iv + 8.iv + 9.iv + bomb0.iv + bomb1.iv + bomb2.iv + bomb3.iv + bomb4.iv + bomb5.iv + bomb6.iv + bomb7.iv + bomb8.iv + bomba.iv + bombb.iv + bombblok.iv + bombc.iv + bones.iv + bones1.iv + bones2.iv + bones3.iv + bones4.iv + bones5.iv + bones6.iv + bonesblok.iv + dead.iv + fire0.iv + fire1.iv + fire2.iv + fire3.iv + fish0.iv + fish1.iv + fish2.iv + fish3.iv + fish4.iv + fish5.iv + fish6.iv + fish7.iv + fish8.iv + fishblok.iv + lift0.iv + lift1.iv + lift2.iv + lift3.iv + lift4.iv + lift5.iv + lift6.iv + mouse0.iv + mouse1.iv + mouse2.iv + mouse3.iv + mouse4.iv + mouse5.iv + mouse6.iv + mousea.iv + mouseb.iv + mouseblok.iv + mousec.iv + mushblok.iv + mushr0.iv + mushr1.iv + mushr2.iv + mushr3.iv + mushr4.iv + smoothmouse.iv + spider2.iv + spider3.iv + spider4.iv + spider5.iv + spider6.iv + spider7.iv + spider8.iv + spider9.iv + spiderblok.iv o download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/database/ directory + airplaneBody.iv + shuttle4.iv o download-able link for the src/tutorials/custEducation/openInventor/texture/ directory + shuttle4.iv + sphere.iv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Audio Files * Document Titles * Image Files: RGB (SGI imagelib) | JPEG | GIF | TIFF * Inst Images * Inventor Files * Libraries/DSOs * Source (sorted by executable name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1995-96, Silicon Graphics, Inc.